
Naprawa Traktorków Ogrodowych i Kosiarek Warszawa

Serwis kosiarek i narzędzi ogrodowych - Woj. Mazowieckie - Naprawa Traktorków Ogrodowych i Kosiarek Warszawa

Swing arm pin holder metal upgrade [ Wltoys 144001, 124016, 017, 018 & 019 ]

Swing arm pin holder metal upgrade – Swing arm reinforcement plate metal upgrade for your WLToys 144001, 124016, 017, 018 & 124019. Excellent upgrade to greatly improve your Wltoys car and stop those swing arm pins from falling off and getting lost! Be aware that with the 124017 / 124016 will need a set of original swing arm pins to make these work! Buy them here: https://bit.ly/3znK92N or https://bit.ly/3Aktr5W
Edit: I just double checked and the upgraded metal part is set to straighten up the rear toe to thebneutral position.
📌 I have asked @Makerfire Tech to throw in a 3s battery, so use this link to buy the car and 3000mAh 3s battery at the same time! USE CODE: JohnRobinsonRC for money off! 124016 v2 + 3s: https://bit.ly/3vTQOUs 124017 v2 + 3s: https://bit.ly/3sZvyeg 📌
⭐⭐⭐ A HUGE thank you to Adrian x5!! Rob Lowrie x3!!!, Phil Duckworth x 2!!! and Kurt for helping keep the channel going by buying me a „coffee!”. All donations will be going to the channel and not actually buying coffee! 😋 Thank you all! You are stars!!!!! ⭐⭐⭐
😍If you can then help keep the channel alive: https://bit.ly/2Uxo9nM ❤️

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WLToys 144001: https://bit.ly/3BjILk1 Code: BGCUPONOMIA7 may work
WLToys 144001 Makerfire use code JohnRobinsonRC: https://bit.ly/3rorZfi
GPS GSM-020 (Tiny & Compact!): https://bit.ly/2TnHQOo Code: PARTS8 may work
Flipping AMAZING TINY 27g Insta360 GO 2: https://bit.ly/3eDHYke
WLToys 104001 use code JohnRobinsonRC at the checkout: https://bit.ly/3irlOmj
WLToys 104001: https://bit.ly/3zbcbiq Code: BGCUPONOMIA7 may work
Insta360 ONE R Twin addition: https://bit.ly/3kDyHN1
WLToys 104009: https://bit.ly/3exShX2 USE DISCOUNT CODE: JohnRobinsonRC
Brushless WLToys 124016: https://bit.ly/3BlksST USE DISCOUNT CODE: JohnRobinsonRC
Brushless WLToys 124016: https://bit.ly/2TmvVjQ Code: BGCUPONOMIA7 may work
Brushless WLToys 124017: https://bit.ly/3exShX2 USE DISCOUNT CODE: JohnRobinsonRC
Brushless WLToys 124017: https://bit.ly/3eEVAf1 Code: BGCUPONOMIA7 may work or BG124017
WLToys 124018: https://bit.ly/3zlh0pD Code: BGCUPONOMIA7 may work
WLToys 124018:: https://bit.ly/36NNEDZ USE DISCOUNT CODE: JohnRobinsonRC
WLToys 124019: https://bit.ly/3irvgpS Code: BGCUPONOMIA7 may work
WLToys 124019 Makerfire use code JohnRobinsonRC: https://bit.ly/3ezzWZE
Xinlehong Q901: https://bit.ly/3ilDlfC Code: BGCUPONOMIA7 may work
WLToys K989: https://bit.ly/3xRVB6R Code: BGCUPONOMIA7 may work
ZD Racing BX-8E banggod link: https://bit.ly/3kB9FhB Code: BGCUPONOMIA7 may work
ZD Racing BX-8E bang good without electronics: https://bit.ly/2UsR6RY Code: BGCUPONOMIA7 may work
JLB Cheetah 120A 2 batteries: https://bit.ly/3xStcOe Code: BGCUPONOMIA7 may work
JLB Cheetah 120A 1 battery: https://bit.ly/2W5rQSp Code: BGCUPONOMIA7 may work
Genuine Original SKYRC IMAX B6 Mini 60W 6A https://bit.ly/2UnvW7U
Proper Tyre glue: https://bit.ly/3ilEm7q
HOBBYKING USA: https://bit.ly/3zlUMnv
4PCS ZD Racing 8481 Front Bumper Set 9116 08427 1/8 RC Car Parts: https://bit.ly/36N4jaN


CURVED LONG NOSE PLIERS: https://bit.ly/3hRCbtr
SOLDERING MAT: https://bit.ly/3wMgorr
115 PIECE SCREWDRIVER SET I USE: https://bit.ly/3zdmimU
Small selection of M3 Bolts of different lengths: https://bit.ly/2Ur0JAs
LARGE selection of M3, M4 & M5 Bolts with different lengths: https://bit.ly/3zjmvVw

#wltoysupgrade #144001upgrade #124019upgrade

DISCLAIMER: I have never said I am an expert and as such can make mistakes. But I NEVER want to cause harm to you or your RC products as this channel is about saving money and not causing damage.
AFFILIATE LINKS: In my descriptions, I use affiliate links. You pay no more but the channel gets a small commission. This helps us buy products to have on the channel meaning more content so thank you to those that use them and please use them to those that have not.
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Youtube Naprawa Traktorków Ogrodowych i Kosiarek Warszawa, Serwis kosiarek i narzędzi ogrodowych.

Naprawa Traktorków Ogrodowych i Kosiarek Warszawa

Naprawa Traktorków Ogrodowych i Kosiarek Warszawa – Serwis kosiarek i narzędzi ogrodowych – Woj. Mazowieckie – serwis i naprawa spalinowych urządzeń ogrodniczych i budowlanych tj. piły, kosy, kosiarki, zamiatarki, ubijaki stopowe, małe zagęszczarki, agregaty prądotwórcze serwis w Warszawie.

Kosiarka, napędzana lub nie

Przy wyborze kosiarki bierzemy pod uwagę szereg czynników technicznych, ale kluczowe znaczenie mają również łatwość użytkowania i wydajność w polu. Robot koszący jest opcją, jeśli naprawdę nie mamy ochoty zajmować się naszym ogrodem. Jednak dla tych, którzy wolą trzymać się sprawdzonych metod, wysoce zalecana jest kosiarka z napędem.
Zmotoryzowana kosiarka benzynowa
Czy jest jakaś kosiarka z napędem, którą polecacie? Waga urządzenia to kluczowa cecha technologiczna, na którą należy zwrócić uwagę w pierwszej kolejności. Potrzebujemy solidnych modeli, takich jak Stiga Multiclip Pro 53 SVX B, aby były mobilne bez pomocy człowieka. Wszystko, co musisz zrobić, to skierować je we właściwy sposób i mieć je pod kontrolą, aby nie zbłądziły.

Bezsilna kosiarka spalinowa
Jednak wersja z napędem ma kilka problemów z wydajnością. Po pierwsze, zakup gadżetu w tej kategorii kosztuje więcej, a po drugie naprawa lub wymiana części jest bardziej pracochłonna. Co więcej, te kosiarki są często lżejsze i łatwiejsze w obsłudze, co sprawia, że krótkie, zwarte trawniki są łatwe do koszenia.

Kosiarki do trawy
Silniki kosiarek napędzane benzyną
Jeśli chodzi o kosiarki benzynowe, sedno sprawy stanowią silniki. Skuteczność i trwałość maszyny zależy od zastosowanej jednostki napędowej. Dlatego musimy zwrócić szczególną uwagę na ten czynnik i dokładnie przemyśleć wybór odpowiedniej kosiarki.

Typ silnika: dwusuwowy
W niektórych przypadkach w tych gadżetach stosowane są silniki dwusuwowe. Maszyny tego typu ze względu na swoją konstrukcję wytwarzają większy hałas i zużywają więcej energii. Ich główną zaletą jest zwiększona wytrzymałość przy zmniejszonej wadze.

Silnik z czterema cylindrami i jednym skokiem wału korbowego
Z kolei jednostki czterosuwowe będą mniej wydajne, ale cichsze i tańsze w eksploatacji. Dodatkowo mogą mieć nieco obniżony poziom wydajności podczas pracy na nierównym terenie. Jest to bardziej nowoczesna metoda, która eliminuje potrzebę stosowania oleju w paliwie. Wystarczy opanować poziom oleju w silniku, który jest zasilany z autobusu. Taki silnik jest „pod maską” Riwall RPM 4234, jednego z testowanych przez nas urządzeń.

38 thoughts on “Swing arm pin holder metal upgrade [ Wltoys 144001, 124016, 017, 018 & 019 ]

  1. Hello, as you know the 124017 car has a different suspension arms axis, like a long screws with a nut and I already bent one of them… My question is if I could change to this system and use this metallic parts which seem stronger and easier to dismount. Thans in advance.

  2. Hey, thank you for that Video.

    I got the 104010 and on the second crash i had the same issue.

    The screws from the steering on the bottom did not come out for me.

    I had to unscrew the servo from the bottom and it worked too.

    Greetings from Germany

  3. This, for me, is one of the big problems that this car has, it's been out so many times that I've lost count, I've also asked for these parts, let's see? thank you John you are the best thank you

  4. Hi John! Initially there is a little adjustment to do on the original piece to make sure that back wheels are well aligned. So I was wondering whether this upgrade allowed to keep the back wheels well aligned?

  5. Been trying to do this on a 124016. Unfortunately the screws at 2:10 are stuck on mine. Both from the top and the bottom. I've tried with an impact drill, but they don't budge at all. I can remove all other screws without an issue. Any ideas?

  6. Hey my back wheels face in a little towards each other but when i adjust the swing arms it only changes the tilt up or down not left to right like in the front. Is there a way to adjust the back from left to right?

  7. Great video, thank you for posting this. Have you found the next weak spot in the chain yet, i.e. are you breaking arms now, or does it seem to have resolved the issue without any new issues?

  8. Yes I do have the same problem of getting dislodged often. I am just wondering how susceptible is the arm to damage. Appreciate if you can share whether the the upgrade is recommended. Let me try coating the tab (outer) with super glue to stiffen it up. Will let you know once I try that out.

  9. Hi John I crashed my 144001 bent a few pins and a arm I have bought new pins new arms etc i rebuilt it but my swing arms are really stiff both sides and don't go fully back to bottom off travel feels like jamming any ideas I about ready to bin the car cheers great channel by the way

  10. While I was riding today suddenly my car stopped the steering was moving but motor was not running, I turned off the esc and on it again and it runned perfectly for 30 sec and again same issue pls help it's only day 2😭.

  11. Yes JR great hop up and great video where do I get some from pls? Have a great day 😎👍I found em thanks 🙏 Ali express I bought 2 packs there a great hop up. I’ve tons of little plastic bits with chunks missing!! I’m gonna use a little loctite on the screws as I did with the previous ones. Luv the way you separate the the the car, why did I not think of it?? Great video 🤩👍

  12. I could have sworn you had already done a previous video on this 😂🤣. Nice little video anyway mate… 👍😎 The only problem I have found with these is you can't adjust the toe in (I think) like you can with the plastic bits.

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